Friday, August 22, 2008

Words of Wisdom

These following words of wisdom from our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW for all of us to ponder upon and as reminder ...taken from MMN, posted by Megawati.

Words of Wisdom from the Prophet of Islam

"Acquire knowledge, it enables its professor to distinguish right  from wrong; it lights the way to heaven. It is our friend in the  desert, our company in solitude and companion when friendless. It  guides us to happiness, it sustains us in misery, it is an ornament  amongst friends and an armour against enemies." (widely attributed to  the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh))

"A Muslim who plants a tree or sows a field, from which man, birds  and animals can eat, is committing an act of charity." (Muslim)

"There is a polish for everything that takes away rust; and the  polish for the heart is the remembrance of Allah." (Bukhari)

"What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of human  beings, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to lighten the  sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the sufferings of the injured."  (Bukhari)

"The most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self."  (Bukhari)

"If you put your whole trust in Allah, as you ought, He most  certainly will satisfy your needs, as He satisfies those of the birds.  They come out hungry in the morning, but return full to their nests."  (Tirmidhi)

"When Allah created his creatures He wrote above His throne:  'Verily, my Compassion overcomes my wrath." (Bukhari & Muslim)

"Allah will not give mercy to anyone, except those who give mercy  to other creatures." (Abdullah b. Amr: Abu Daud & Tirmidhi)

" 'Son, if you are able, keep your heart from morning till night  and from night till morning free from malice towards anyone.' Then the  Prophet said: 'O my son! This is one of my laws, and he, who loves my  laws verily loves me.' " (Bukhari)

"Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to  people." (Baihaqi)

"Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no  faith." (Muslim)

"When you see a person who has been given more than you in money  and beauty, look to those, who have been given less." (Muslim)

"If you do not feel ashamed of anything, then you can do whatever  you like." (Abu-Masud: Bukhari)

"O Lord, grant me your love, grant me that I love those who love  you; grant me, that I might do the deeds that win your love. Make your  love dearer to me than the love of myself, my family and wealth."  (Tirmidhi)

"It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is  better still to sit with the good than alone. It is better to speak to  a seeker of knowledge than to remain silent; but silence is better than  idle words." (Bukhari)

"Verily, a man teaching his child manners is better than giving  one bushel of grain in alms." (Muslim)

"Whoever is kind, Allah will be kind to him; therefore be kind to  man on the earth. He Who is in heaven will show mercy on you."(Abu  Daud: Tirmidhi)

"It is difficult for a man laden with riches to climb the steep  path, that leads to bliss." (Muslim)

"Once a man, who was passing through a road, found a branch of a  tree with torns obstructing it. The man removed the thorns from the  way. Allah thanked him and forgave his sins." (Bukhari)

"Who are the learned? Those who practice what they know."  (Bukhari)

"Allah has revealed to me, that you must be humble. No one should  boast over one another, and no one should oppress another." (Iyad Hinar al-Mujashi: Muslim)

"Who is the most favoured of Allah? He, from whom the greatest  good comes to His creatures." (Bukhari)

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to  His will in adversity." (Muslim)

"A Muslim who meets with others and shares their burdens is better  than one who lives a life of seclusion and contemplation." (Muslim)

"Serve Allah, as you would if you could see Him; although you  cannot see Him, He can see you. (Umar: Muslim)

"Allah does not look at your appearance or your possessions; but  He looks at your heart and your deeds." (Abu Huraira: Muslim)

"The best richness is the richness of the soul." (at the field  ofTabuk, Syria, Rajab 9 A.H.: Bukhari)

"Keep yourselves far from envy; because it eats up and takes away  good actions, like a fire eats up and burns wood." (Abu Daud)

"Much silence and a good disposition, there are no two things  better than these." (Bukhari)

"Verily, Allah is mild and is fond of mildness, and He gives to  the mild what He does not give to the harsh." (Muslim)

"Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him." (Bukhari)

"Once the Prophet was asked:'Tell us, which action is dearest to  Allah?' He answered:'To say your prayer at its proper time.' Again he  was asked: 'What comes next?' Mohammed said: 'To show kindness to  parents.' 'Then what?' he was asked, 'To strive for the cause of  Allah!' " (Ibn Masad: Bukhari)

"When two persons are together, two of them must no whisper to  each other, without letting the third hear; because it would hurt him."  (Bukhari & Muslim)

"Verily, it is one of the respects to Allah to honor an old man."  (Bukhari)

"All Muslims are like a foundation, each strengthening the other;  in such a way they do support each other." (Abu Musa: Bukhari & Muslim)

"Strive always to excel in virtue and truth." (Bukhari)

"You will not enter paradise until you have faith; and you will  not complete your faith till you love one another." (Muslim)

"He, who wishes to enter paradise at the best gate, must please  his father and mother." (Bukhari & Muslim)

"I am leaving two things among you, and if you cling to them  firmly you will never go astray; one is the Book of Allah and the other  is my way of life." (Farewell Pilgrimage: Muatta)

"Allah is One and likes Unity." (Muslim)

"The best of alms is that, which the right hand gives and the left  hand knows not of." (Bukhari)

"The perfect Muslim is not a perfect Muslim, who eats till he is  full and leaves his neighbors hungry." (Ibn Abbas: Baihaqi)

"He is not of us who is not affectionate to the little ones, and  does not respect the old; and he is not of us, who does not order which  is lawful, and prohibits that which is unlawful." (Ibn Abbas: Tirmidhi)

"No man is a true believer unless he desires for his brother that,  what he desires for himself." (Abu Hamza Anas: Bukhari & Muslim)

"To strive for the cause of Allah from daybreak to noon and sunset  is better than the goods and enjoyment of the whole worldly life."  (Bukhari)

"Be not like the hypocrite who, when he talks, tells lies; when he  gives a promise, he breaks it; and when he is trusted, he proves  dishonest." (Bukhari & Muslim)

"The proof of a Muslim's sincerity is, that he pays no heed to  that, which is not his business." (Abu Hureira: Tirmidhi)

"Do you know what is better than charity and fasting and prayer?  It is keeping peace and good relations between people, as quarrels and  bad feelings destroy mankind." (Muslims & Bukhari)

"Conduct yourself in this world, as if you are here to stay  forever; prepare for eternity as if you have to die tomorrow."  (Bukhari)

"The worldly comforts are not for me. I am like a traveller, who  takes a rest under a tree in the shade and then goes on his way."  (Tirmidhi)

Monday, August 4, 2008


By Bro Khalaq from MMN:

Kindness leads to appreciation.
Appreciation leads to respect.
Respect leads to admiration.
Admiration leads to being loving.
Being loving leads to a happy spouse.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Judging Character

This article was taken from a post by Khalaq in Muslim Matrimonials Network website.

--If you want to see how a man will treat his wife, look at how he treats his mother.
--If you want to see how a wife will treat her husband, look at how her mother treats her father.
The above statements may generally be true, but individuals have free will.  They can always choose to do things differently than their parents did, or learn new habits to replace old ones.  Checking out your in-laws may or may not give you an accurate picture.

There are, however, situations where people are pretty much "true to themselves."  These are situtations where the person is under stress and trying to handle unforeseen problems.  The way they deal with that is an indication of how they'll perform when problems come up in your marriage.

========================================= ====
6 Situations When the "Real You" Emerges (from eHarmony's "Dating Advice" column)
We all try to remain on our best behavior when we are dating someone new. But eventually we slip and get tired, irritated or whiny. See how certain situations can bring out the worst in us and what it means when it happens to person you're dating. 

Suppressing the less attractive side of your personality only works for so long. Hey, we’re human. We get angry, irritated, hungry and tired; and when that happens, a different side of us emerges. And usually, it’s not pretty.
This isn’t the spell of love being broken. It’s what eventually happens in all healthy relationships, and it’s an opportunity. An opportunity to observe what happens when life throws your partner a curveball. Does your boyfriend throw a fit when he loses a game of Scrabble? Does your new girlfriend curse like a sailor when she’s stuck in traffic?
And is this behavior you want to deal with forever?
This is an important question, and one you must ask if you are planning on a long-term commitment to a person. We’ve compiled a list of situations where “the real you” emerges—situations that test our nature. Get ready to take notes.
1. Traveling
Traveling together can bring couples closer together, but it can also shed light on some not-so-charming aspects of your new love. A trip is an adventure, and how your mate deals with being out of his or her comfort zone can tell you a lot.
Does your significant other like to explore and enjoy the experience of just getting there, or is he/she the camp counselor with a regimented timetable? Does your partner flip out, cry or whine when you get lost or when the hotel room doesn’t have A/C? Or does he or she laugh when the map flies out the window or when a cow in the middle of the road holds up traffic?
How a person handles the misadventures of traveling can tell a lot about how willing he or she is to go with the flow, handle stress and keep a sense of humor. Sometimes the Mr. or Ms. Perfect from Hometown, USA, doesn’t always translate to the romantic getaway of a lifetime, so pay attention to the cues when your new love is in unfamiliar surroundings.
2. Sickness
Feeling under the weather tends to bring out the worst in people. Like wounded animals that lash out in frustration or retreat to lick their wounds, some people just can’t control how awful they act when they feel sick. However, some people suffer more than others. Does your significant other turn into the demanding bell ringer when he or she has a head cold?
If the answer is “yes” and you don’t have the capacity to handle it, this is something to think about seriously. Eventually, you may be taking care of this person for extended periods of time.
If you can serve the chicken soup with a smile and be a compassionate bedside nurse to your companion, you obviously have plenty of patience. The cool-as-a-cucumber attitude is always a great asset, especially when the going gets tough.
3. Arguing
Most experts agree that fighting in and of itself isn’t predictive of breakups or divorce, but how you argue is more likely to reflect the harsh reality of who you are. Do you criticize, defend, put down or stonewall your mate? Can you calm yourself down and finish the discussion in a respectful manner?
The way a person argues shows if he or she is a listener, is willing to come to a compromise or just bulldozes over as a means to an end. Take into consideration how your partner treats you in the heat of battle and whether you feel humiliated or degraded. If your partner fights dirty and cannot respect you and your points of view, then perhaps you should reconsider your choice of a long-term mate.
4. Competing
Whether it’s Parcheesi, charades or the potato-sack race at the family reunion, competition can get ugly. A lot of the way that people behave during competition comes from sibling rivalry, childhood socialization and plain old confidence.
If your boyfriend or girlfriend likes to taunt you just after spiking the ball in your face, you may want to consider not playing with (or against) him or her anymore. If your new mate can’t win or lose gracefully, it’s not necessarily a deal breaker. Some people just hate to lose. But, how a person competes can be indicative of maturity level and general good nature.
5. Driving
Most of us can relate to road rage – you know, the frustration that emerges when you get cut off by a ruthless driver, waste time in traffic, or get lost in the maze of the city. But if you have been in your new mate’s moving vessel of death as he or she weaves in and out of traffic, honking, yelling and jeering at other drivers, you have to wonder if he or she can calm it down, at least while carrying such precious cargo – you!
On the other hand, driving like Grandma, riding the brakes, staying six car lengths behind and petering along below the speed limit is more than careful and may be annoying, but at least it’s safer. Ultimately, the driver should show consideration for passengers and other drivers, illustrating respect for others – or lack thereof. If your lady love or perfect paramour can’t control herself or himself on the road when a total stranger cuts in front of the car, how will that person react when you cause anger or offense in some way?
6. In a Position of Power
By watching the way that your date interacts with customer service help or the waitress who brought the wrong entrĂ©e, you can tell the amount of respect that he or she holds for others. Does your gal shout and berate the representative at the returns counter because she doesn’t get her way? Does your fellow yell at the cabbie to “step on it?" Or is your new mate a smooth talker, dishing out compliments to get his or her way?
Pay attention to how your mate negotiates as a customer or in a position of power. If you witness an abrupt or elitist attitude when things don’t go along swimmingly, it should make you wonder how you will be treated if you don’t honor that person’s every whim.
In the aforementioned situations, the common denominator is respect. Your new partner’s suppressed, not-so-pretty inside character emerges when stress is high. Problems happen, things go wrong and schedules are busted, but how you handle the defeat can speak volumes about your character. 

Monday, July 7, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Select Your Company Carefully

Select Your Company Carefully
By: Brian Tracy

Only the truly competent individual can be free of politics in an organization. When you're really good at what you do, you can rise above politics. It's the mediocrities at work who have to play games and every study shows that although they sometimes succeed in the short-term, they invariably fail when everyone figures them out.

Do What You Have To Do
Select your work carefully and if you don't love what you're doing enough to want to be the best at it, get out! Flee from the boring or unsatisfying job as you would from a burning building. Working at something you don't care about is the very best way to waste your life. Remember, this life is not a rehearsal for something else.

Look for Pay for Performance
One key to getting onto the fast-track is for you to work for the right company and the right boss. The right company is one that respects its people and practices pay for performance. The right company is dynamic, growing, open to new ideas, and full of opportunities for people with ambition and initiative.


How to Make Progress
A woman spoke to me at a seminar recently and reminded me that she had asked me a question at a seminar about two years ago. She had told me that she was very ambitious and hard-working but that she wasn't making any progress in the large company where she worked. She felt it was because most of the senior executives were men in their fifties and sixties and that women had a hard time getting into positions of responsibility. What could she do?

Change Jobs When Necessary
I told her quite frankly that there was nothing she could do. The senior executives and the company were not going to change. If she was really as capable as she said, I told her to find a job with a young, growing company that wouldn't care whether she was a woman as long as she could do the job.

A Success Story
She told me that she had followed my advice, quit her job, much to the disapproval of her co-workers, and found a job with a small growing company - and it was exactly as I had said. She had been promoted twice in the last 14 months and was already earning 40% more than her best year with her previous company.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to assure that you are in the right position.

First, make sure that you really enjoy your work and that you do it well. You will never be successful at a job that you don't like.

Second, be sure that there are lots of opportunities for you to grow, develop and advance in your company. Your future is too valuable to waste where there is no future.

Monday, July 16, 2007


By Bo Sanchez

We live in a pathologically dissatisfied world. And I'm going to tell you why. Because we love to compare. Go around the world and discover that people aren't happy with their bodies.

Filipinos want to be fair-complexioned like Westerners, and so buy bleaching stuff. Westerners want to own bronzed bodies like ours, and so purchase tanning lotions.

Those with moles have them removed, while those who don't strategically implant beauty spots.

Some people want to shed a few pounds to look like Ally McBeal, while others want to gain some baby fat to look like Drew Barrymore.

When are we ever going to stop and simply be happy with how we look? We live in a sick world. I tell you. And that sickness is comparisonitis.

Take a look at wealth. When we drive our old Toyota, it really suits us fine. We feel blessed in fact when the rain pours outside and we feel snug and cozy on its faded upholstered seats.

But the moment we see our own officemate (or neighbor, or buddy, or cousin, or brother) drive his sleek sky-blue, four-door,four-wheel-drive Rav4, we automatically feel like third class children of God. Next time we drive our bumpy, noisy, rusted, dilapidated Toyota (notice how all the defects come out all of a sudden?), we feel deprived, dispossessed, pariah, debased, and only a little higher than the insects of the earth.

Listen carefully. Bill Gates' total assets are worth $60 billion.That's more than the GNP of some small countries. Tiger Woods earns $80 million simply by smiling on TV in a Nike shirt. And the stars ofthe sitcom Friends are paid $50,000 per episode!

My point? No matterhow hard you work, there'll still be some people who will be richer than you are.And there'll be some people who will be more beautiful, have more sex appeal, have more boyfriends/girlfriends, and have more problems.

Try it for once. Stop looking around. Don't compare!

Don't compare her nose with your nose.
Don't compare his wife with your wife.
Don't compare his salary with your salary.
Don't compare her breast size with your breast size.
Don't compare her kid's report card with your kid's report card.
Don't compare his prayer group with your prayer group.
Don't compare her/his cellulite deposits with your cellulitedeposits.

Stop comparing and start living and you'll be happier with your life.

This is crucial: The most difficult thing in the world is to be who you are not. Pretending and trying to be someone else is the official pastime of the human race. (I don't think dogs and cats and cows and horses have this problem).

And the easiest thing in the world is to be yourself. Be happy. Live!

There must be a reason why God made you tall or short or fat or thin or bumpy all over.

Love who you are!--

"Happiness is a journey, not a destination. .."

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Seven steps to family planning

Wah menarik nih. Gotta think seriously about this. After 3-4 years of working, no savings to speak of. Well okay, got one. But still minimum. Very minimum. Sigh....


Seven steps to family planning

Find a working solution. If you're on maternity leave, you don't have to say for certain that you'll be going back to your job. But if you plan to return to work early, you'll need to give three weeks notice. If you decide to resign, you'll need to give the amount of notice stated in your contract. Your feelings about whether or not to stay at home with your baby may change with the birth, so give yourself time to make this decision if you're uncertain. You'll need to weigh up loss of earnings against the costs of childcare and travel that you'd incur if you decide to go back to work.

Take out life cover. You might want to consider arranging life insurance. If you were to die, life insurance would mean your partner was not left struggling financially. If you buy life insurance, make sure the policy is written in trust, so the proceeds aren't taxed as part of your estate on your death.

Make a will. This allows you to decide exactly which people will inherit any money, property or other assets when you die. It also means you can appoint a guardian to look after your children. See Making a will.

Consider sickness cover. If you were to have an accident or become disabled or ill for a long time, would your family be able to manage? If not, think about buying accident or sickness cover so that you'd have a guaranteed income in the event of your being unable to work for the foreseeable future. This is especially important if you're self-employed. If you're employed, carefully check the terms of your contract relating to sickness pay.

Sort out housing costs. You may want to increase or change your mortgage if you're thinking about moving now that your family's growing. Check interest rates and special offers listed in the financial pages of weekend papers, taking into account early redemption penalties you may have to pay by switching your mortgage if you're already committed to a fixed term.

Plan for your children's future. If your children go on to higher education, you're likely to need substantial funds to support them. It would be ideal if you could finish paying your mortgage at the time they go to college or university. Look into paying off your mortgage earlier than the full term if this would tie in with them leaving school. See Saving schemes for kids.

Look ahead to retirement. It may seem like a long way off but it's a priority to plan for a pension now. If you're working, investigate your company's pension scheme. It may be worth joining, especially if you receive employer contributions. You may also be able to put in additional voluntary contributions (AVCs) to top it up.

The Government's stakeholder pension allows you to contribute up to £3,600 a year. You can have a stakeholder plan if you're working or even if you're already in a company pension scheme, as long as you don't earn more than £30,000 a year.

Alternatively, start long-term saving with tax-free Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs).
Staying at home to look after your baby could affect your future basic retirement pension. You can avoid this by getting Child Benefit in your name, which means your pension qualification will be automatically protected, as long as the Department for Work and Pensions has your National Insurance number.

Financial advice
Financial advisers don't work for nothing, and will charge a commission fee directly or indirectly if you use one to buy anything from mortgages to pensions. But as advisers trawl through all the available products and sift out what's going to suit you, you may feel the fee is worth it.

Monday, February 12, 2007


"The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others"- Sonya Friedman-

Motivation - Negative People Can Negate your Motivation How to Stay on your Course to Success

We all have negative people in our lives that will tell us we cant do something when we know we can. These people may not be trying to squash your motivation intentionally however. They may just be negative by nature. Sometimes negative people grew up in a home with other negative people and no one to believe in them. Other times negative people spawn from difficult life situations, like the death of a child or their spouse. No matter what the issue is, these negative people can be damaging to your self-esteem and your motivation. If you want to stay on course to success, you will need to do a few things in order to disallow the negative people in your life to negate your motivation. Use these tips and suggestions to help you get rid of the negativity and get on with your life.

Distance Yourself

When it comes to negative influences in your life, there is one main thing you can do to rid your mind of any negativity. The thing to do is distance yourself from these people. If it is a negative friend, simply choose not to hang out with him or her. If it is a negative relative, choose not to spend extra time with the person. While it is not a good idea to cut off contact to these people without discussing why, it is your decision if you want to be around negative people.

If the negative person is someone close to you, try having a little talk about the issue to see if you can help them get rid of that negative attitude. They may not be aware that they are negative and may want to try to change. If you have tried to talk to the person about your concerns with their attitude, and nothing has changed, you may want to consider the person as someone who is harmful to your attitude and act accordingly.

Choose What You Hear

Sometimes there are people in your life that you cannot escape. These people may be immediate family members or co-workers. If you are stuck dealing with a negative person that has an impact on your motivation, then you still have options. The thing to do is to choose what you hear. If someone goes on and on about how you cannot lose weight because you never get exercise or eating in unhealthy manners, just chant to yourself that you can do it. When they try to bring you down, bring yourself up with positive talk.

You can choose what you hear. Perhaps they are saying that you cant do something because they lack the motivation to do it themselves. Maybe they are overweight and have tried to lose weight. When they failed, they might assume that everyone will fail. Sometimes negative people do this because it makes them feel better about themselves. So, keep that in mind when they are using negative talk, you can turn it into more motivation for you to succeed.

Decide Who You Are

When you know who you are, negative people will have no impact on you. Even if you sit and listen to someone negative talk for thirty minutes, if you are a positive person, you will not be pulled into their negativity. You have the choice whether or not you are positive. When you decide that no matter what you will be positive, you will be more comfortable dealing with negative people. You will look at them with sorrow and sympathy because you will know how destructive negative talk can be to everyone. Knowing who you are can help you get through any negative situation with a negative person.

If you want to succeed easily, you should surround yourself with positive and successful people that will fuel your motivation. Those negative people in your life will only damage your motivation. You can choose to eliminate them from your life or you can choose to learn to deal with the negativity without becoming negative yourself. Try to stay focused and realize that just because someone else is negative doesnt mean you have to be negative too. No matter what you do, you can keep that motivation and positive attitude and be a real success!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Tips membuat surat lamaran kerja

Tips membuat surat lamaran kerja.Berdasarkan riset sosial tentang kemampuan membuat surat lamaran kerja,ada beberapa kesalahan yang sering terjadi dan patut disampaikan kepada saudara / temen yang akan melamar kerja. Semoga bermanfaat :D
Sudah ribuan lamaran kerja dikirim tapi belum ada balasan...., mungkin salah satu tips dibawah ini adalah masalahnya........
Dgn Hrmt.
ttrk dgn ikl lwg krj yg dmt pd srt kbr edisi sls , sy brmskd mengisilwg yg bpk bthkn , rdri thn 1999 - 2004 , sy tlh bkj di aptk km farma ,di bag cln srv.dri thn 2004-2005 , sy bkj di LC bank sbg kabag keu.dri thn 2005- smp skrg jd tkg pkr di BIp
............................................................................sebagai bahan pertimbangan bapak , bersama ini saya sertakan :a. foto copy KTP bapak sayab. pas foto saya waktu disunatc. surat kelakuan baik seluruh keluarga saya d. bon hutang selama 1tahun e. proposal permintaan sumbangan pembangunan mesjid di Rt saya
Dgn hromat banget , boss!!!!
halo boss , capee deeehhh!!!! apa kabar nich.....?baik baik aja dong , iya kan iya dong , bener kan bener dong....? sayamo ngelamar kerja nich..boleh dong...please...boleh ya
...............................................................gue pernah kerja di kantor bokap , tapi lantaran gue sering bolos samasering ngegodain skertaris kantor , gue dikeluarin , setan banget deehhh!!!!makanya sekarang gue ngelamar kerja di kantor elo , ga usah khawatirsoal jabatan deh.....gue sih yg penting dibayar gede sama elo. ok deh!!gue tunggu panggilan kerja dari elo di rumah gue , kalo sampe tiga haribelom juga ada panggilan , elo bakal tau sendiri akibatnya....!!!!!!!
Dengan hormat ,
hai apa kabar nih...? baik baik aja kan...?saya juga ketika menulis surat ini dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat ,semoga kamu juga baik baik aja seperti saya disini. ngomong ngomonggimana kabar anak anak , sehat kan..? istri pasti makin cantikaja.....salam aja ya buat mereka. oya ..hampir lupa , say bermaksudmelamar pekerjaan pada perusahaan kamu bisa kan,.,,..?
Dengan hormat,
Setelah saya membaca iklan lowongan pekerjaan di surat kabar ternamadi ibukota , saya sangat tertarik dengan iklan yang anda muat disitu.oleh karena itu saya bermaksud untuk melamar pekerjaan tersebut danjuga sekalian harapan saya , dengan surat lamaran ini kita bisamempererat tali silaturahmi antara kita berdua , bukankah dalam agamapun telah diterangkan betapa pentingnya arti sebuah silaturahmi....

My Team

There you go....

My Team...

TP Trainers....

Or as I like to call them...I mean, us....TP Tubbies....Hehehe...

Cakep2 yah?...But don't let looks fool you, these people can bite. They have the POWER. Every agent in Teleperformance Indonesia (esp. in Indosat, Daan Mogot) have to go through them. Their successes & failures depend on these trainers' shoulders in the preparatory stages. So behave!

Love you guys...You rock....Keep the spirit & teamwork strong! We are family (ceileeeeee....ehem, mana coklat gue?)