Monday, February 12, 2007


"The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others"- Sonya Friedman-

Motivation - Negative People Can Negate your Motivation How to Stay on your Course to Success

We all have negative people in our lives that will tell us we cant do something when we know we can. These people may not be trying to squash your motivation intentionally however. They may just be negative by nature. Sometimes negative people grew up in a home with other negative people and no one to believe in them. Other times negative people spawn from difficult life situations, like the death of a child or their spouse. No matter what the issue is, these negative people can be damaging to your self-esteem and your motivation. If you want to stay on course to success, you will need to do a few things in order to disallow the negative people in your life to negate your motivation. Use these tips and suggestions to help you get rid of the negativity and get on with your life.

Distance Yourself

When it comes to negative influences in your life, there is one main thing you can do to rid your mind of any negativity. The thing to do is distance yourself from these people. If it is a negative friend, simply choose not to hang out with him or her. If it is a negative relative, choose not to spend extra time with the person. While it is not a good idea to cut off contact to these people without discussing why, it is your decision if you want to be around negative people.

If the negative person is someone close to you, try having a little talk about the issue to see if you can help them get rid of that negative attitude. They may not be aware that they are negative and may want to try to change. If you have tried to talk to the person about your concerns with their attitude, and nothing has changed, you may want to consider the person as someone who is harmful to your attitude and act accordingly.

Choose What You Hear

Sometimes there are people in your life that you cannot escape. These people may be immediate family members or co-workers. If you are stuck dealing with a negative person that has an impact on your motivation, then you still have options. The thing to do is to choose what you hear. If someone goes on and on about how you cannot lose weight because you never get exercise or eating in unhealthy manners, just chant to yourself that you can do it. When they try to bring you down, bring yourself up with positive talk.

You can choose what you hear. Perhaps they are saying that you cant do something because they lack the motivation to do it themselves. Maybe they are overweight and have tried to lose weight. When they failed, they might assume that everyone will fail. Sometimes negative people do this because it makes them feel better about themselves. So, keep that in mind when they are using negative talk, you can turn it into more motivation for you to succeed.

Decide Who You Are

When you know who you are, negative people will have no impact on you. Even if you sit and listen to someone negative talk for thirty minutes, if you are a positive person, you will not be pulled into their negativity. You have the choice whether or not you are positive. When you decide that no matter what you will be positive, you will be more comfortable dealing with negative people. You will look at them with sorrow and sympathy because you will know how destructive negative talk can be to everyone. Knowing who you are can help you get through any negative situation with a negative person.

If you want to succeed easily, you should surround yourself with positive and successful people that will fuel your motivation. Those negative people in your life will only damage your motivation. You can choose to eliminate them from your life or you can choose to learn to deal with the negativity without becoming negative yourself. Try to stay focused and realize that just because someone else is negative doesnt mean you have to be negative too. No matter what you do, you can keep that motivation and positive attitude and be a real success!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Tips membuat surat lamaran kerja

Tips membuat surat lamaran kerja.Berdasarkan riset sosial tentang kemampuan membuat surat lamaran kerja,ada beberapa kesalahan yang sering terjadi dan patut disampaikan kepada saudara / temen yang akan melamar kerja. Semoga bermanfaat :D
Sudah ribuan lamaran kerja dikirim tapi belum ada balasan...., mungkin salah satu tips dibawah ini adalah masalahnya........
Dgn Hrmt.
ttrk dgn ikl lwg krj yg dmt pd srt kbr edisi sls , sy brmskd mengisilwg yg bpk bthkn , rdri thn 1999 - 2004 , sy tlh bkj di aptk km farma ,di bag cln srv.dri thn 2004-2005 , sy bkj di LC bank sbg kabag keu.dri thn 2005- smp skrg jd tkg pkr di BIp
............................................................................sebagai bahan pertimbangan bapak , bersama ini saya sertakan :a. foto copy KTP bapak sayab. pas foto saya waktu disunatc. surat kelakuan baik seluruh keluarga saya d. bon hutang selama 1tahun e. proposal permintaan sumbangan pembangunan mesjid di Rt saya
Dgn hromat banget , boss!!!!
halo boss , capee deeehhh!!!! apa kabar nich.....?baik baik aja dong , iya kan iya dong , bener kan bener dong....? sayamo ngelamar kerja nich..boleh dong...please...boleh ya
...............................................................gue pernah kerja di kantor bokap , tapi lantaran gue sering bolos samasering ngegodain skertaris kantor , gue dikeluarin , setan banget deehhh!!!!makanya sekarang gue ngelamar kerja di kantor elo , ga usah khawatirsoal jabatan deh.....gue sih yg penting dibayar gede sama elo. ok deh!!gue tunggu panggilan kerja dari elo di rumah gue , kalo sampe tiga haribelom juga ada panggilan , elo bakal tau sendiri akibatnya....!!!!!!!
Dengan hormat ,
hai apa kabar nih...? baik baik aja kan...?saya juga ketika menulis surat ini dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat ,semoga kamu juga baik baik aja seperti saya disini. ngomong ngomonggimana kabar anak anak , sehat kan..? istri pasti makin cantikaja.....salam aja ya buat mereka. oya ..hampir lupa , say bermaksudmelamar pekerjaan pada perusahaan kamu bisa kan,.,,..?
Dengan hormat,
Setelah saya membaca iklan lowongan pekerjaan di surat kabar ternamadi ibukota , saya sangat tertarik dengan iklan yang anda muat disitu.oleh karena itu saya bermaksud untuk melamar pekerjaan tersebut danjuga sekalian harapan saya , dengan surat lamaran ini kita bisamempererat tali silaturahmi antara kita berdua , bukankah dalam agamapun telah diterangkan betapa pentingnya arti sebuah silaturahmi....

My Team

There you go....

My Team...

TP Trainers....

Or as I like to call them...I mean, us....TP Tubbies....Hehehe...

Cakep2 yah?...But don't let looks fool you, these people can bite. They have the POWER. Every agent in Teleperformance Indonesia (esp. in Indosat, Daan Mogot) have to go through them. Their successes & failures depend on these trainers' shoulders in the preparatory stages. So behave!

Love you guys...You rock....Keep the spirit & teamwork strong! We are family (ceileeeeee....ehem, mana coklat gue?)

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Top 10 Ways to Coach Yourself to Total Success!

Coaching is about being your best. It’s about performance, about “staying the course” and, in the end, about creating and living the life you really want. Many people use coaches to make more money, win the gold prize or do something dramatic. That’s fun, and when it’s right, it’s wonderful!

But most importantly, coaching is about living up to your own standards. It is, in Henry Thoreau’s famous words, about “marching to the beat of your own drum, no matter how faint or far away.” So, do I recommend you have a personal coach? Well, duh!

But if you can’t afford one, or aren’t ready for one, why not be your own coach? Here are a few suggestions:

1. Write down your goals. Review and re-write them once a week. This is old advice, but there is power and magic in writing your goals on paper! Write them down, then review them, think about them and up-date them every week. It may only take 20 minutes, but it will double your rate of success, I guarantee it!

2. Show up! Many of life’s most important achievements simply require that we show up, pay attention, tell the truth, work hard, go the extra mile, and do our best! Superior performance is not about the future, or the past. It’s about doing a superior job right now, on the work that lies right in front of you.

3. Eliminate Distractions. Keep your eye on the ball. Life is full of frustrations and distractions. Successful people do NOT tolerate the things that drive most of crazy - they take the time to stop, solve the problem and eliminate the distraction once and for all. Stay focused!

4. Manage your environment. Top performers know that space management is more important than time management, and they have neat offices, clean cars, orderly appointment books, and they keep an extra suit at the office, just in case. Make your office (and your home) a space where you can do your very best work.

5. Read every day. Read something useful, challenging or fun every day. If you only spend 20 minutes with a book that motivates, excites and educates you, it will make a world of difference. I promise! Aim to read at least one book every month!

6. Attend a “University on Wheels”. Listen to educational, motivational and fun tapes while you drive. At least listen to soothing, appropriate music, rather than the “terror of the day” on talk radio! Fill your mind with the BEST information you can find!

7. Use a Master-Mind group. The term refers to a group of people who are committed to helping you be successful. Often, they meet once a week. Think of them as your “Advisory Committee”. Bounce ideas off them, ask them for advice, let them coach you!

8. Focus on values. Take time every week to review your values, the things that cost you nothing, but make life worth living. Write them down, share them with a friend, and remind yourself of what’s most important to you. Remembering your values will get you back on course!

9. Play more! Play a game of tennis, wrestle with the dog, shoot hoops with the kid next door. Laugh, get sweaty, have fun. It doesn’t cost; it pays!

10. Practice Gratitude! Periodically, ask yourself how many “good” days you’ve had this week. Notice what made the good ones good, and do more of the good stuff! And, be grateful. “I was angry that I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.”

Even the most sophisticated modern cruise ships must constantly monitor their course. On our last cruise, Mary and I took a tour of the bridge, and were told the ship had no less than 5 automatic navigation computers, and that at least 2 officers were on duty at all times. Why the redundancy? Because having a cruise ship get lost, even briefly, is a very bad thing!

How many navigation systems do you use to guide your path? Having a handful of books, journals, friends and daily routines to “coach” you is not expensive, it’s the best investment you’ll ever make! Set up routines and use the best resources you can find to stay on course. Coach yourself to the top!Here’s to your success!